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Breaking Down Barriers to Digital Transformation

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Digital transformation has become a necessity for organisations to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. However, there are several common barriers that organisations often face when trying to embark on this transformation journey.


What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to fundamentally change the way an organisation operates and delivers value to its customers. It is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of activities, such as:

  • Adopting new technologies: This could include cloud computing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, etc.
  • Redesigning business processes: This could involve changing the way products are developed, the way customers are served, or the way employees work and collaborate.
  • Creating new customer experiences: This could involve using digital channels to engage with customers in new ways or using data to personalise the customer experience.

Digital transformation can help organisations to modernise their business in a number of ways. It can help them to:

  • Improve efficiency: By automating processes and using data to make better decisions, digital transformation can help organisations to improve their efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Increase agility: By adopting new technologies and processes, organisations can become more agile and responsive to change.
  • Reach new customers: By using digital technologies to track and analyse data, organisations can use this data to reach new customers or offer new products and services.
  • Improve customer experience: By using digital channels to engage with customers in new ways and using data to personalise the customer experience, organisations can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Digital transformation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The specific activities that an organisation undertakes will depend on its unique needs and goals.

Digital transformation is an ongoing journey. What once worked for a business 5 years ago will no longer be effective in the modern world. However, building an effective IT environment and transformation strategy can be difficult without the right guidance.


Common Digital Transformation Barriers

Despite the advantages of embracing digital transformation, there are still a great deal of businesses who are concerned about making the move to a digital culture within their organisation and believe it to be a challenging prospect.

These barriers could include:

1. Comfort in Legacy Systems

Many organisations are comfortable and reliant on their existing legacy systems. These systems have been in place for years and have become deeply ingrained in their operations. The fear of letting go of these familiar systems and adopting new technologies can be a significant barrier to digital transformation.

2. Cost Concerns

Implementing digital transformation initiatives can be a costly affair. It involves investments in new technologies, infrastructure, training, and potential disruptions to current operations. Organisations often worry about the return on investment and the overall financial impact of such an undertaking.

3. Difficulty in Implementation and Adaptation

Another significant barrier to digital transformation is the complexity involved in implementing new technologies and adapting to them. It requires a change in processes, workflows, and overall work culture. Employees may resist change, leading to resistance and difficulty in adoption.

4. Fear of Change

Human beings inherently prefer stability, and any form of change can be daunting. Digital transformation requires organisations to embrace change at all levels, which can create resistance and reluctance among employees.


Overcoming the Barriers

While the barriers listed above may seem daunting, organisations can overcome them by adopting the following strategies:

1. Clear Communication

Listen to the concerns and requirements of your team. Organisations need to communicate the reasons behind digital transformation and the benefits it will bring not only to the business, but to your employees themselves. Be sure to involve employees in the decision-making process and provide them with ongoing support throughout a digital transformation. Remember, the fear of change can be daunting, so your team may need a little reassurance that this will be a change for the better.

2. Gradual Transition and Training

Rather than a sudden overhaul, organisations should consider a phased approach to digital transformation. By gradually introducing new technologies and processes, employees can adapt and learn along the way. Providing comprehensive training and support during this transition is vital for successful adoption.

3. Modern IT is more Affordable

Many businesses stick with their legacy systems with the belief that it will be cheaper to run in comparison to modern solutions. However, maintaining a dated or ineffective infrastructure could actually be costing your business more not only in money, but in time as well. Modern solutions provide valuable productivity gains, and are far cheaper to scale and optimise, and have the advantage to evolve with the requirements of a business and a digital future.

4. Collaborative Partnerships

Collaborating with technology partners or consultants who have experience in digital transformation can significantly ease the implementation process. These partnerships can provide expert guidance, support, and resources, helping organisations navigate the complexities of digital transformation.

So, whilst digital transformation barriers may exist, organisations can overcome them by addressing the barriers head-on and successfully embark on their digital transformation journey, creating a modern workplace and staying ahead in today’s rapidly evolving digital business world.


Move to a Modern Workplace with 848

Before planning any kind of change, it’s important to establish where your business is currently, and where you want it to be. Then you need to think about whether your existing technology will help you get there.

To identify whether your current IT environments are truly meeting your business needs, consider the following questions:

  • Are you operating a range of disparate IT systems, processes, or applications?
  • Do your systems require constant maintenance and fixes?
  • Are you paying out for unexpected IT costs?
  • Are you still mainly relying on manual tasks and processes?
  • Do your systems and applications allow for different working styles (remote, hybrid or flexible working)?
  • Are you experiencing more downtime, or lower productivity levels than you’d like?

If you answered yes to any of these, then it could be time for a digital transformation.

At the 848 Group, we have a team of IT experts that have helped numerous organisations of different sizes, transition to a modern workplace and create a digital transformation strategy, whilst offering support and training, so businesses can get the most out of their digital transformation.

To find out more, speak to a member of our team today.

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