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Improving Customer Satisfaction with AI and ML: 5 Focus Areas

Business Applications like Microsoft Dynamics 365 are already leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Are you taking advantage of this to increase customer satisfaction?

The key to achieving outstanding customer satisfaction is to personalise the entire customer service experience. Utilising AI-driven personalisation can increase revenue by 6% – 10%. Why does this work? Because not every customer that your service department manages wants the same thing.

AI-Driven Personalisation

AI-driven personalisation sounds technical but really, it’s super easy for your teams to adopt. The power of using AI and ML in your customer service department is transformational. It enables you to improve efficiency, productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction. How? Well new, easy-to-use forms of AI are empowering teams to understand customers better and deliver personable chatbot interactions, all while maximising your agents’ potential to do more using just-in-time insights and guidance.

Here are 5 focus areas for improving customer satisfaction that can increase your revenue by 6% – 10%. Consider the ROI with such figures!


  1. Sentiment Analysis

Do you know how your customers feel?

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 60% of organizations will analyse customer voice and text interactions as part of their voice of the customer (VoC) program. AI makes it possible to know the exact action to take to resolve customer queries based on the customer’s emotions within their response. Real-time, natural language analysis when processing customer communication, can highlight to agents the most effective resolution strategy.

  1. Customer Self Help

Empower your customers.

By 2027, chatbots will become the primary customer service channel for roughly a quarter of organisations, according to Gartner. The advances in AI-powered virtual chatbots have made online interactions much more human-like. This means customers can get their enquiries resolved fast, find and select products with ease, and receive tailored recommendations. Also, when customer queries are resolved through automation, your agents have more time to focus on complex cases.

  1. Surface Just-In-Time Information.

Empower your agents.

AI through ML allows systems to acquire, process, and use knowledge to perform tasks and to unlock knowledge that can be delivered to people to improve the decision-making process. By centralising knowledge topics and surfacing resources based on its use in past cases, AI makes knowledge a strategic asset. 2/3 of organisations plan to increase their investment in knowledge management.

Utilising this process enables the customer to receive helpful information in real time, and the agent can easily find the right answers for a customer, no matter what they need.

  1. Connect Customers to the Right Agents.

Put your best foot forward.

Many businesses have a customer base that still wants to speak to real people about their enquiries. But with agent costs rising, navigating customers to the agent with the right expertise is critical to keep time and cost to a minimum. AI models can be trained to understand the skills and knowledge needed to resolve customer enquiries and then automatically assign agents to work items that are accurately suited to their abilities. This means that customers get partnered with agents that can definitely help them and agents can confidently address customer needs.

  1. Enable Collaboration.

Make fast connections.

In the past two years, customer service leaders have seen a dramatic shift in the number of employees working from home—up to 85% of their workforces in some cases. With agents working across more locations than ever, they need a fast and reliable way to connect experts with customers to help solve specific customer challenges. AI can find available people with the right expertise fast and with a single click, connect them to the agent who requires support.

The agent is empowered with the ability to find quick support and the customer gets their issue resolved by people with the right experience and knowledge.

Talk to us about Microsoft Dynamics 365 and AI Integration

The 848 Group is a Microsoft Solutions Partner with a dedicated business applications practice and deep technical knowledge and experience.

We can help you transform both the customer and agent experience with AI and ML and see your revenue and satisfaction increase.

Get in touch with us by calling 03449 848 848 or emailing us at [email protected].

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