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Automation - Are You Actually Using It?

Blogs and insights

I’m not a fan of beginning a blog with a buzzword (or even using the term phrase “buzzword”). But this topic is one of the buzziest buzzwords in IT right now – automation.

So, what is it? Automation is simply defined as the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. It’s all about making things easier, streamlining activities, and saving time. Most businesses think they’re using automation, when actually, they’re not.

This blog dives into all things automation to help you understand if you’re using it to its full potential, or just scratching the surface.

Where’s the Automation?

Automation encompasses the tools, techniques, and strategies to reduce the need for manual processes. This could range from simple tasks like sending out automated email responses to complex operations like managing your entire supply chain with advanced software.

The key idea here is efficiency: doing more with less effort, less time, and ideally, less cost.

Now, you might be thinking, “Sure, we have some of that.” But the real question is: How deeply integrated is automation into your operations? It’s one thing to have a handful of automated email templates. But it’s entirely another to have your customer service, marketing, sales, and operations seamlessly connected through automated processes that communicate with each other, learn from interactions, and adapt accordingly.

The Automation Spectrum

Imagine a spectrum where one end is “Fully Manual” and the other “Fully Automated.” Most businesses fall somewhere in between, but it’s crucial to understand where you are on this spectrum. Are your automation efforts reactive, or are they strategic and foundational to your business model?

Signs You’re Just Scratching the Surface

Ad Hoc Automation – You’ve implemented automation in a few areas but without any kind of cohesive strategy.

Low Integration- Your automated systems don’t talk to each other, requiring manual intervention to bridge gaps.

Limited Scope – You’re automating tasks but not processes. For example, scheduling social media posts but not the way you analyse their performance.

Signs You’re Using Automation Effectively

Strategic Implementation – Your automation initiatives are part of a broader digital transformation strategy.

High Integration – Automated systems are interconnected, sharing data and insights seamlessly.

Continuous Improvement – You’re not just automating processes, but also using data gathered from these processes to optimise and improve continuously.

Understanding Process Automation Solutions

According to Gartner, 69% of day-to-day managerial work will be entirely automated by the end of 2024.

Every day, more and more tools, platforms, and solutions emerge with their own speciality and flair to automate various areas of your business.

You might be thinking, “I’ve got templates in Excel and reporting tools.” Yes, template-based data extraction is useful and very common, but that’s only dipping your toe into the vast pool of automated possibilities. If your employees are still working on even a small section of the process, then there is so much more you could do to boost productivity.

Just think about how much time you’ll save your employees by having a tool that does the data scouring and other mundane tasks for them.

51% of automation initiatives in 2023 were adopted to boost employee efficiency. When employees are relieved of mundane, repetitive tasks, they can engage in more meaningful work. This not only boosts morale, but it attracts and retains top talent!

Start Moving in a More Automated Direction

Organisations are constantly seeking ways to save time and money while improving overall efficiency. With rapid technological advancements, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI), businesses have multiple ways to achieve these goals.

But the journey to automation and other technologies doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Begin by identifying and documenting small, repetitive tasks that are currently performed manually within your organisation. Document every little step your processes require from start to finish.

Yes, it’s tedious, but this will help create a flow for identifying the things you can replace manpower with tech power. If you can document a process, you can probably automate it. The key is to start small and scale up.

Another practical step is to conduct a workflow audit across your departments. Identify where bottlenecks occur, and which processes would benefit from some automation, a low-code solution, or perhaps AI. Engaging with your teams during this audit will not only provide insight into daily challenges but also encourage buy-in for the automation solutions you choose to implement.

Remember, automation should not aim to replace humans, but augment human capabilities. By automating mundane tasks, your team can focus on more strategic and creative tasks that add greater value to your business.

Complex Process Automation Requires Automation Experts

If you’ve assessed your business workflows and think you could save some serious time and money (and employee boredom), then it’s time to get the experts in.

Adopting automation can be complex. It requires specialist skillsets and the right software solutions to get it spot on. Seeking professional guidance will ensure your new technology is configured correctly, and deployed with minimal disruption so that it saves you time and money. You don’t want to create more tasks!

The 848 Group is a Microsoft Solutions Partner and MSP committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of automation and AI. With the right strategy and support, your organisation can unlock its’ full potential, ensuring a brighter, more efficient future.

To Wrap Up…

Automation is not just a trend; it’s a strategic tool that can transform your business. Assessing your current status and taking steps to automate further can lead to significant benefits. Start with simple automated tasks to gain quick wins and build momentum. As you become more comfortable, consider tackling more complex processes with the help of experts.

Get in touch with our team today to get started.