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Seven Hubspot Alternatives to Consider

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Competitors and Alternatives to Hubspot CRM  

Are you considering an alternative to Hubspot CRM? If you have ever had to look at different Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems or work in sales and marketing, it’s very likely that you will have heard of Hubspot. 

Hubspot is an industry leader when it comes to sales, marketing, and customer service software, offering an extensive range of features for managing customer relationships, delivering marketing campaigns, and building sales pipeline. 

While it’s one of the most popular CRM platforms in the world, that doesn’t mean it’s the right option for every business. Luckily, there are a lot of Hubspot competitors out there. Whether it’s due to needing something more customised, cost concerns, or simply down to preference, your business might be looking to see what else is on the market. 

We’ve compiled a short list of Hubspot alternatives to help you understand what other solutions are available, weighing up the pros and cons for different business needs. 

Hubspot CRM Pros and Cons 

Hubspot offers a comprehensive suite of tools for sales, marketing, and customer service across a series of ‘Hubs’. You can access Hubspot via a free plan, however features are limited, and the cost of paid add-ons quickly adds up. 

On a free plan, you can’t import data from other systems (meaning all information must be manually added, piece-by-piece) and security features such as conditional access aren’t included – which is a concern when dealing with any kind of personal or sensitive data. Support is also essentially non-existent on the free version, as is the ability to customise the platform or utilise automation. Key third-party app integrations are also only reserved for paid plans. 

With the long list of limitations of a free plan, the majority of Hubspot CRM customers opt for a paid subscription. 

Hubspot: the Pros 

With a range of different ‘Hubs’, there really isn’t much Hubspot cannot do. It offers a comprehensive range of tools for nearly all sales, marketing, and customer service scenarios, which is something many Hubspot competitors can’t do. It has a user-friendly interface making adoption hassle-free. It also has an easy-to-use Integrated Content Management System (CMS), which eliminates the need for additional CMS software. The range of automation features to streamline workflows are also excellent. 

Hubspot: the Cons 

One of biggest issues with Hubspot is its price, and probably the main reason businesses look for Hubspot alternatives. It should be noted that the extensive range of features are not included with all plans, and to unlock all core features is extremely costly. 

This makes it quite an expensive platform that quickly becomes unaffordable, particularly for small to mid-sized businesses. 

For a Marketing Hub “Starter” subscription, prices start at £14 per user per month if paid for annually, or £18 per user per month if paid monthly. However, this a very basic plan with a number of limitations. To unlock additional marketing and CRM features, the next plan jumps to a whopping £700 a month for just 3 users. 

The Customer Platform plans are equally as pricey, with a 5-seat ‘Professional’ subscription costing £945 per month if paid annually, or £1050 if paid monthly, while a 7-seat plan costs just under £3500 per month – with no add-ons. Bundle discounts are available, but for full access to the features without limitations, you are looking at thousands of pounds per month, even in a small business. 

Other issues with Hubspot surround the overwhelming range of features, as well as integrations with other core and third-party business apps. 

Hubspot is such a powerhouse that it can very quickly become overly complex and difficult to decipher. Support is obviously available, but it can be a very long and complicated process to migrate to. Furthermore, not all business applications natively integrate with Hubspot CRM, and this can also see costs quickly rise if more niche integrations are required. 

Seven Hubspot Alternatives

Microsoft Dynamics 365: a Flexible All-in-One Platform 

Dynamics 365 is an expansive business management platform offering a full range of applications for CRM, sales, marketing, HR, finance and more. With such a wide variety of tools, it is one of the best Hubspot alternatives out there, as it has a solution to run every pretty much aspect of your business. It is highly customisable, with an extensive range of flexible modules which enable you to build a scalable and tailored CRM platform that meets your unique business needs. 

As a Microsoft solution, one of the biggest benefits of Dynamics 365 is its natural integration with Microsoft Office 365 apps, such as Teams, Outlook and PowerBI. No additional, costly, or time-consuming integrations are needed when it comes to your making it work with your Microsoft modern workplace, providing a seamless and more connected user experience. Dynamics 365 also offers robust security features and compliance with various industry standards, ensuring data protection and regulatory adherence. This is a great benefit when worked with sensitive data. 

While its interface may not be as a ‘pretty’ as what you would get with Hubspot, it is just as intuitive and easy-to-use. Monthly user costs are lower than Hubspot and subscription types are easier to navigate, with a Dynamics 365 Sales Professional license starting at $65 a month (approximately £52). This makes it a more affordable alternative with just as much scalability and range of features. 

Depending on customisation needs, implementation can be a bit complex. Reaching out to an experienced Dynamics Partner is the best way to ensure effective deployment. 

Salesforce: Built for Sales Automation and Analytics 

Salesforce is another leading cloud-based CRM platform and one of the biggest Hubspot competitors. Recognised for robust analytics, it provides a comprehensive suite of tools for sales, marketing, and customer service, that make it easier to manage and analyse customer interactions. Its scalability and customisation options cater to businesses of all sizes, and its robust integration capabilities allow seamless connectivity with various third-party applications. 

However, the platform can be costly, particularly for small businesses, with a complex pricing structure that may include hidden fees for additional features. 

Salesforce is also definitely more complex than Hubspot. The extensive customisation and configuration options, can result in a steep learning curve for end users, requiring significant time and resources for proper implementation and training. 

Pipedrive: A Pipeline-Focused Alternative to Hubspot 

Pipedrive is sales management tool designed to simplify and streamline the sales process. Whereas Hubspot, Dynamics 365, and Salesforce offer a wide range of features across sales, marketing, and customer service, Pipedrive pretty much just focuses on the sales side. 

On a positive note, Pipedrive is known for its user-friendly interface and intuitive design, making it accessible for all types of users. Its focus on visual sales pipelines helps sales teams track and manage leads. The platform also offers solid automation features and easy integration with a wide range of third-party applications. 

However, it offers far less advanced features compared to more comprehensive CRM solutions. This means Pipedrive may not meet the needs of larger enterprises or businesses with complex requirements.  

Furthermore, while its pricing is competitive, some essential features require higher-tier plans, which can increase costs. Overall, Pipedrive is a strong choice for small to medium-sized businesses seeking a straightforward and effective sales management tool, though it may not be suitable for those needing more extensive CRM capabilities. 

PowerPack: An Simple and Affordable Hubspot Alternative 

PowerPack is a new all-in-one solution for sales engagement, marketing automation, and CRM. Developed by ClickDimensions and built on the Microsoft Power Platform, PowerPack is a simple and low-cost alternative to Hubspot or more established CRM solutions. It has offers core CRM functionality, with a price point that is perfect for the SMB market. This means it is available at a fraction of the cost (and complexity) of enterprise systems. 

With its lower price tag, the range of features included with PowerPack is of course far more streamlined than some competing solutions. It also lacks the scalability of other CRM options, meaning it’s probably not the right solution for larger businesses. 

However, this also means it’s far quicker and easier to set up, with a super intuitive interface that is easy for end users to get to grips with. Plus, as it’s built on the Power Platform, you benefit from native integration with all Microsoft 365 apps. 

Zoho CRM: Scaling Small Business 

Zoho is a flexible CRM solution that is often praised for its simplicity. Offering all the essential CRM features, it’s a great option for organisations looking for pure CRM capabilities, such as managing leads, customers, sales, tasks, reports, and projects. It has a relatively easy-to-use interface, though some users report it is sometimes difficult to find and use all features, mainly due to the structure of the system. 

It offers simple and affordable price plans that are ideal for small or mid-sized businesses. A Standard organisation-wide license will set your business back just £12 per month, while a Professional costs £32, and a Premium £65. It should be noted that a number of add-ons are available, such as additional user types which can see costs start to add up. 

Despite the potential for additional costs, Zoho CRM is far more budget-friendly than HubSpot. But, like PowerPack, this lower price point means it comes with less features and more limitations. Zoho lacks robust reporting capabilities and there a few issues with performance. 

Furthermore, while excellent for smaller businesses, Zoho may not scale as effectively for larger enterprises with more complex needs, and data migration into the platform can be challenging. It is though still recognised as a great platform for those who need a more stripped-back CRM solution. 

Mailchimp: For Those Who Prioritise Email Marketing 

If you are looking for a solution primarily for outbound marketing, then Mailchimp may be a Hubspot alternative to consider. While Mailchimp is not a fully-fledged CRM system (and doesn’t pretend to be), it does offer solid outbound marketing capabilities for creating emails, landing pages, and metric-rich reports.  

As a simpler and more focused tool, Mailchimp is generally far easier-to-use than HubSpot. This is largely due the fact it doesn’t include all the extra features of a traditional CRM. It doesn’t offer much outside of marketing, meaning you will still likely require additional software for customer service or sales capabilities. However, the investment required for Mailchimp is considerably less than a platform such as Hubspot, meaning it could be an ideal option if email outreach is your priority. 

Deal Manager: Ultra Low Cost Hubspot Alternative 

SureStart Deal Manager is a low cost and lightweight CRM alternative designed inhouse by the 848 Group. Designed for rapid deployment and simplicity, Deal Manager is an easy to adopt and easy to implement sales tool available on an ultra-affordable pay monthly basis. It offers a streamlined set of features to manage customers, opportunities, leads and more. 

Developed as a Power App on the Microsoft Power Platform, SureStart Deal Manager is both easy to deploy and easy to integrate into your existing Microsoft environment. Implementation is straightforward and supported by the 848 team, and the lightweight design makes it largely maintenance free. This means there is minimal effort required from your internal IT team to get up and running with Deal Manager. 

A Deal Manager subscription starts at just £5 per user per month, making it the most affordable solution on the list. There is no annual commitment or minimum seat count required. This makes it a flexible CRM option for growing businesses, without little to no risk. 

This low-price tag of course reflects the more streamlined offering. Its simple nature means it won’t offer the complexity, customisation, or scalability needed by a larger business. It is far less feature-rich than Hubspot alternatives such as Dynamics 365 and Salesforce. However, it is a great Hubspot alternative for organisations looking to upgrade their CRM capabilities without hefty monthly costs or upfront fees. 

Considering a Hubspot Alternative? Start with a CRM Review

Not sure what you need when it comes to sales, marketing, or CRM software? A CRM Review is the perfect way to establish what’s working with your CRM approach, and what’s not. This includes your current CRM software implementation, processes, automation, setup and more. 

Book your CRM Review with the 848 Group today.