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DevOps Services.

Adopt DevOps tools, practices and culture to increase your business agility with DevOps services.

848 has a growing portfolio of DevOps services to help fulfil your DevOps requirements and remove development headaches. Against an always evolving business backdrop, adopting a DevOps culture helps organisations from SMB to enterprise improve agility. Embracing DevOps enables you to shorten software development cycles, quickly respond to market changes, and continuously develop processes to deliver value.

The power of DevOps is why more and more businesses are looking to adopt DevOps culture, tools and practises in the everyday. However, ensuring DevOps is adopted effectively within an organisation can be challenging.

We can help you adopt DevOps and drive business results with our range of DevOps services. We have a team of IT professionals with expertise in DevOps and software development on the Microsoft stack. No matter where you are on your DevOps journey, our team is here to support your business in moving it forward.

Software Asset Management helps you tame an out-of-control software landscape. By taking steps to actively manage, control and optimise software and cloud services procurement, you can get more of your licenses and realise savings that can go back into your IT budget. We can fully manage your software landscape, helping you maximise your IT spend, eliminate unused resources and remove the hassle of licensing, renewals and asset management from your internal teams. And we’ll do all of this while providing you will complete peace of mind that your licensing is compliant.

What is DevOps?

Bringing development (Dev) and operations (Ops) together, DevOps unifies people, process and technology to enhance agility and continuously improve or create new business capabilities that add value to both end users and customers.

Key elements of DevOps include agile, iterative software development, process automation, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) and more. It involves a range of different business functions and roles across an organisation, requiring them to collaborate closely. Typically, DevOps includes people working within development, IT, operations, security and support.

By adopting DevOps services, tools and practises, businesses can continuously improve processes and accelerate innovation. DevOps enables businesses to deliver products and applications at pace, quickly adapt to market changes, react to evolving customer needs, competition and more.

848 has over a decade of experience in delivering Business Changing IT. With our robust Plan, Build, Run methodology, we deliver fully integrated and optimised Microsoft solutions that maximise value in your business.


Learn More About DevOps Services.

DevOps as a Service.

DevOps as a Service from 848 has been designed to help organisations accelerate the implementation of an effective DevOps culture. Built on the foundations of Continuous Delivery (CD) and agility, DevOps empowers businesses to accelerate their IT projects, build better products faster, and become more responsive to market changes.

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Why DevSecOps? We know that security is paramount, and compliance is non-negotiable. We also know the wealth of benefits DevOps can bring to businesses of every size. Unifying Development (Dev), Security (Sec) and Operations (Ops), DevSecOps puts security at the heart of DevOps culture by automating and integrating security into every stage of the software development lifecycle.

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The Benefits of DevOps and DevOps Services.

Application delivery and software development has moved from project-based implementations to continuous evolution. Our DevOps services help businesses adopt continuous evolution, integration and delivery, allowing them to become high-performing and increasingly agile.

Accelerate innovation and
reduce time to market

Streamline development
processes and deployment

Adapt to changing customer
needs and competition

Save time and automate
repetitive tasks

Maintain system
stability and reliability

Increase team productivity and
deliver new functionality faster

Our Range of DevOps Services.

Our services span the entire development lifecycle, to support you every step of the way and ensure DevOps is adopted effectively within your organisation. We can help you:

  • Discover the benefits of continuous delivery and design a tailored DevOps strategy.
  • Plan, build and run the tools needed for continuous delivery and DevOps.
  • Provide additional capabilities beyond DevOps to speed up the delivery of IT solutions.

DevOps and Agile.

Agile is a delivery approach that relates to developing great products by bridging the gap between users and developers and focuses on collaboration. Agile and DevOps can coexist and enhance one another.

DevOps improves IT agility by bringing the various tools and teams involved in the deployment process together to release products and applications faster.

Robust Agile delivery is a process that includes DevOps, together making sure that the business delivers the best software into production faster, without causing any disruption and according to customer requirements.

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